Certified Dream Builder, Inc.

Certified Dream Builder, Inc. (CDB) 由 Barbara Wright 博士于 2016 年成立,旨在为当地和国家的非营利和营利组织提供资助写作服务。她为向公众提供计划、产品和服务的非营利组织和企业举办合同和贷款申请准备工作坊、咨询和资源。
Certified Dream Builder 提供商业和非营利性资助写作和基金开发计划和产品,包括由 Barbara Wright 博士开发的独家 Canvas 资助写作系统。该系统包括 Do It Yourself (DIY)“即时下载”工作簿、Do It With Me (DIWM) Workshops 和 Quad 6、16 小时加速课程、Dream Builders Mastermind Training,可帮助您制定、改进或实施拨款写作政策和采购。它还可以帮助非营利组织或商业组织收集 为公益项目、产品和服务申请赠款、合同和贷款所需的文件。_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Barbara Wright 博士是 Certified Dream Builders, Inc. 的创始人、Wright Partner's Group, LLC 的开发顾问和 Certified Dream Builders University 的校长。她拥有 20 多年从 10,000 美元筹集到 10,000,000 美元的经验,帮助为非营利组织、营利组织、宗教组织以及学校和学院赢得了超过 150,000,000 美元的赠款、合同和贷款。她曾为小型和大型组织服务,包括担任堪萨斯城房屋管理局的项目经理和堪萨斯城公立学校的拨款经理,将于 2021 年退休。
她在社区组织、政府机构、信仰组织以及国内外的大学和学院举办了 1000 多次资助研讨会。她还创造了独家产品和服务,以协助资助作者和基金发展领导者进行咨询、培训和写作,并在一半时间里赢得资助。这些工具包括适用于 IOS 和 Android 的 1 小时 2 资金预算构建和缩放应用程序、她用于在一半时间内编写赠款的独家 Canvas 赠款写作系统,以及 30 多个关于优先赠款主题的工作簿和研讨会。
她拥有密苏里州商业教育终身认证、工商管理学士学位、教育硕士学位:密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校的课程与教学以及博士学位。 Faith Bible College & Theological Seminary 的宗教教育专业,侧重于研究和教学。

Canvas 拨款准备系统
We specialize in helping organizations access grants, contracts, and funding opportunities by offering:
✔ Expert Grant Writing & Management
✔ Organizational Readiness & Startup Support
✔ Training & Professional Development
✔ Live Weekly Events & Premium Training
✔ Customized Consulting & Capacity Building
✔ AI-Powered Funding Tools: Budget Builder Pro & Grant Builder Pro
Architect of Dreams and Funding Maestro

Dr. Barbara Wright
The visionary founder of Certified Dream Builder, Inc.,
She is a distinguished figure in grant writing, fund development, and educational training. With over twenty years of expertise, she has become an instrumental force in securing substantial funding for a variety of entities, amassing over $150 million in grants
Her career spans influential roles such as Program Manager for the Housing Authority of Kansas City and Grant Manager for Kansas City Public Schools. .
Dr. Wright's innovative contributions to the field include the One Hour to Grant app and the 1 Hour 2 Funds Budget Scaling app, along with her acclaimed Canvas Grant Writing System. These tools reflect her dedication to efficiency and effectiveness in grant writing. Her educational prowess is showcased in over 30 developed courses and their accompanying curriculums and workbooks, covering essential grant-related topics.
As a holder of a Lifetime Missouri Certification in Business Education, a Bachelor's in Business Administration, a Master's in Education-Curriculum & Instruction, and a Ph.D. in Religious Education, Dr. Wright stands as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration. She's not just a grant writer; she's a transformational mindset motivational speaker, inspiring organizations to achieve their highest potential. Join Dr. Wright and Certified Dream Builder, Inc. on a journey to turn visionary ideas into funded realities.